Angelina Tsirkunova
– When I was about 12 years old, I came to a basketball match and saw the guys dancing on the floor. I remember being so fascinated by it! And I thought that when I grow up, I will also start dancing on the basketball and thousands of people will look at me.
And in 2018, I see that LOKS Dancers is recruiting people. My first thought was – I’ll go, because that’s what I always wanted! As a result, a couple of days before the casting I understand that I am afraid and not at all ready. So, I changed my mind about sending the application and did not prepare at all. But it so happened that the casting took place at the very dance school where I worked then and led the group that day. They suggested that I try anyway, and I, not knowing what to dance to, to what music or in what style, for some reason agreed. And since then, I have been a member of the LOKS Dancers team. Here’s the story.
How many years have I been on the team, I have never noticed any intrigue or unfair competition. We are all like friends, I adore everyone.
I don’t have a favorite dance style; I admire all styles. But lately I can’t sit still when I hear afro beats. In my free time, I absolutely love walking and strolling around the city. I also like to hang around at home and watch TV series with tasty and unhealthy food. I really love spending evenings with my girlfriends, when we chat about nothing, but everything. I love shopping when you go through a bunch of stores, but find very little of everything. I love setting up beauty days for myself. In general, everything that is typical for girls.