Egor Sychkov was forced to miss the home game against Minsk due to injury. But on the day of the match, he arrived at the Basket Hall much earlier than the partners who were to play against the Belarusian team.
After the tour, Egor went to continue testing his skills in answering questions. He became a guest of the traditional studio that the club organizes on the match day for Loko fans.
But before that, I took a memorable photo with schoolchildren.
In general, this excursion can and should go down in history as the first one that was held after the removal of offensive restrictions. The club has long returned to the practice of meetings with fans – the closing ceremony of the last season was jointly held, the Friendship Cup and a street basketball tournament dedicated to the Day of the Physical education student were organized, joint viewing of matches and media days are arranged. Now it’s time to return communication with a special part of the Locosemya – schoolchildren. The plans are to conduct such excursions on a regular basis, and also to go to the lessons of Kuban studies themselves and talk about the history of Loko and Kuban basketball. Follow the news!