In the middle of the 3rd quarter of the game with Yenisei (88:65), Lokomotiv-Kuban players were fighting for a rebound in their post. Mikhail Vedishchev jump-saved the ball from going out of bounds. Andrey Martyuk had also to jump for the ball, then turned around in mid-air and, like a quarterback made a 20-meter long assist to Antonius Cleveland, who added to the show-time by dunking with spectacular amplitude.
The result is second place in the Top-10 of weekly moments.
Let’s also note Lokomotiv Kuban forward Yegor Sychkov, who is on loan at Avtodor – his shot took 7th place in this rating.
And we remind you that there is already a new collection in our club fan shop. Order online store and look for sales points in the Basket Hall on September 25, when Loko will play Astana.